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Our list of the top 10 expats living in the Arab world
Expats who are contributing and devoting their lives to the progress of the region.
The negative light under which expats are put under by the news industry has many of us thinking of them as an economic burden. 
However, what we fail to see is that many expats in the Arab region have actually helped - with their skills, experiences, and dedication - make the Middle East a better place. 
The following list combines 10 of the most acclaimed expats who have, and are still, contributing and devoting their lives to the progress of the region in all types of industries.
4. Tom Fletcher - UAE, formerly Lebanon
Author of the HarperCollins book, Naked Diplomacy: Power and Statecraft in The Digital Age, as well as being the former British Ambassador to Lebanon (2011-2015,) Fletcher has built a life focused on diplomacy, both professionally and academically. 
As a previous ambassador, he employed a sense of humor to engage with his followers, especially the millennial generation. In that respect, he understands the importance and role of social media in connecting people. 
Fletcher has a deep sense of care for Lebanon and its people. He sees the nation’s struggle but also understands its beauty. 
Upon completing his four-year term as Lebanon’s British Ambassador, Tom wrote what can be described as a satirical, truth gripping memo of Lebanon’s reality, in all its glory and all its agony. 
In his piece “So... Yalla, Bye,” he urges the Lebanese to remember their dreams and hopes and to stand for a country united. Like many other Lebanese, Fletcher dreams of a “Beirutopia.” For him, Lebanon represents the hope for a better future.
Fletcher is currently an Advisor to the Global Business Coalition for Education and Emirates Diplomatic Academy, as well as a visiting professor of International Relations at New York University. 


Click here to read the article in full and see who else features in the Top 10.
