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Still searching for a present? CPI’s 2017 gift guide can help…

Find Tom's recommendations below:

Not out until April, so maybe get a pre-order as that Christmas present for the politics and campaigns geek in your life. A manifesto for organising our world with more humanity and purpose, you’ll either hate it or wish you had written it, depending on whether you believe in old or new power.
We need to set aside Tetris thinking in a Minecraft world, with Obama’s ‘Yes, We Can’ as the motto, rather than Trump’s ‘I alone can fix this’. Reading the chapters on Macron, Podemos and AirBnB made me wonder what could be achieved by a progressive British movement for tolerance, fairness, reason and opportunity, focused on putting as much power as possible in the hands of the citizen. After all, the Brits were thinking about this before anyone had a word for it.
(*Pretentious parent claxon*). Until it comes out, I’m giving friends and family ‘Poems To Give You The Hair Cups’, a book of nonsense poetry by Theo Fletcher (6) and illustrated by his grandpa.
