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Challenges facing the Syria ceasefire

“Assad Policing A Ceasefire Is like Sepp Blatter Cleaning Up Fifa”

Former ambassador to Lebanon Tom Fletcher gave this very frank assessment of the challenges the Syria ceasefire faces.

Fletcher, who became known as the Naked Diplomat for a fresh digital approach to diplomacy, told Stig Abell, that the ceasefire faces huge problems,  

“[President] Assad policing a ceasefire is like Sepp Blatter cleaning up Fifa, he’s a huge part of the problem,’ said Fletcher.

But he said we should support the deal as it is the only thing we have at present that could lead to a resolution to the conflict.

Fletcher says that the most pressing problem in his view is the millions of children who are not in schooled because of the conflict.

“If we don’t get them back in uniform we are going to see them in life jackets or suicide vests,” he said. 

Click here to listen to Tom on LBC.
