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Future FCO Report
by Tom Fletcher (Author)

On 9 May, the UK government released our team's review of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The full version is here. The report set out suggestions for how British diplomacy can be more purposeful, agile, digital and transparent. ...

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Kindling the Flame
by Towards Global Learning Goals (Author)

Our new report claims most people are learning the wrong things in the wrong way, proposes Global Learning Goals for all learners, and sets out the challenges we face to make them happen. ...

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Satow’s Guide to Diplomatic Practice 7th Edition (forthcoming, edited by Sir Ivor Roberts)
by Ivor Roberts (Ed), with contribution from Tom Fletcher (Author)

Satow’s Guide to Diplomatic Practice 7th Edition (edited by Sir Ivor Roberts) Satow's Diplomatic Practice is a classic work, first published 90 years ago and revised four times since. This is the first revised edition for thirty years, during which time the world and diplomacy have changed almost beyond recognition. The new edition provides an enlarged and updated section on the history of diplomacy and revises comprehensively the practice of diplomacy and the corpus of diplomatic and international law since the end of the Cold War. It traces the substantial expansion in numbers both of sovereign states and international and regional organisations and features detailed chapters on diplomatic privileges and immunities, diplomatic missions and consular matters. It also exami ...

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Private Secretaries to the Prime Minister: Foreign Affairs from Churchill to Thatcher, ed. with Warr
by Warren Dockter (with contribution from Tom Fletcher) (Author)

Private Secretaries to the Prime Minister: Foreign Affairs from Churchill to Thatcher, ed. with Warren Dockter  The importance of the Prime Minister in British foreign policy decision-making has long been accepted by historians. However, whilst much attention has been given to high level contacts between leaders and to the roles played by the Premiers themselves, much less is known about the people advising and influencing them. In providing day-to-day assistance to the Prime Minister, the Private Secretary could wield significant influence in policy outcomes. This book examines the activities of those who advised Prime Ministers from Winston Churchill (1951-55) to Margaret Thatcher during her first administration (1979-83). Each individual chapter considers both British foreig ...

